Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Ultimate Teacher

Life is a tricky business. Everyone wants to lead an effectively organized life - where your short-term goals and values lend well into your long-term plans. But let's face it - the longer you live on this planet, the more you realize that things don't always go according to plan. People change (yourself included), money is a gravity issue and destructive, unplanned obstacles suddenly get dropped in your way like a real-life version of Mario Kart.

Some people strive to have the picture-perfect family and to raise their children to be the best they can possibly be at whatever they want to be best at. Others want that glistening career with a list of honors and promotions fifty miles long. Others want to be free spirited and travel the world and see wondrous sights. There are so many variations of that "effectively organized life plan." Yet, I guarantee not ONE has ever been rolled out without any setbacks.

My goals and values seem to change every single day, whether it is just in reaction to a change in my life or whether it's brought on by maturity and life experience or because someone gave me advice that made me think differently. They change. Every. Single. Day.

Where once I valued staying up literally all night with my friends, so as not to waste a single minute of silliness and laughter - I now value a good night's sleep.
Where once I valued having a name-brand clothing item - I now value having versatile items that can be paired differently to accompany several different outfits.
Where once I valued having many friends - I now value having true, honest friends.
Yesterday I ate a fried chicken pita sandwich with BBQ sauce and seasoned fries. Today, I ate a salad and Monday I'm starting a diet to better my overall health and my lifestyle - not just to lose weight, but because it can tremendously effect some of my long-term medical issues.
Two years ago I was giving up on my education and my relationships with those around me. Yesterday, I re-applied for college and, today, I reached out to a dear friend and thanked her for being such an amazing friend and person - even after all these years.
In the last couple years, I have read several fiction novels. Last month, I purchased a book that will teach me to love stronger and another book to help me be more successful in life.

All the various sets of goals I've carried throughout my life have led me down different roads, some more promising than others. Some paths have set me back, some have launched me into areas I wasn't quite ready for. But all of them have helped get me to where I am, today, and have provided me with priceless experience and wisdom.

I am better today than I was yesterday because I have endured hardships, navigated tough obstacles and taken things for granted that I shouldn't have. I have hurt people and have asked for forgiveness. I have also lifted people up and brightened their day. There are times where I've pinched every penny and other times where I seemed to have just thrown my money away. I have removed people from my life who had no business being there and I have happily invited others. I have loved and lost, but I surely am happy to love again.

Life is a tricky business. It's up, it's down; its a balancing act that's nearly impossible to execute. But life is the best teacher you will ever have. It will teach you patience, emotional handling, financial health, physical health, relationship management...and the list goes on. But the most important thing that it will teach you - is that you can grow and adapt. Situations will change you, alter your perspective, tweak your goals, shape your values and broaden your mind.

Where I am now and where I was two to three years ago are completely different worlds. My life is vastly different, yet the things I've learned and the knowledge I've gained in the past have not escaped me in my new world. I carry them with me everywhere I go and tomorrow I will pick up another tidbit to carry with me in my travels through this life.

I have done things I'm not proud of and found myself in situations I would have rather not been in, but I have learned and I have grown and I cannot bring myself to find a single moment I truly regret. Life is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but boy do I sure feel alive with ability and armed with the strength to take what I am meant to learn from any experience it throws my way.

"This, too, shall pass."

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