Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Where Civilization is Not

A twisting, winding road
A tangled mess of golden hair
blowing in the wind, gleaming in the sun
It's only February, but her window's rolled down
She takes a deep breath, cold and sobering
She exhales a cloud of steam, a true tell of the fire in her heart
She's got her favorite song turned all the way up
There's a smile on her face as she locks eyes with the blue sky ahead
She's not sure if she's chasing a dream
Or if she's headed somewhere she's already been
All she knows is that it doesn't matter
She's just happy to be going somewhere.
Her gut is tight with excitement
She bears an adventurous soul
It aches for true freedom
Free from rules and wandering eyes
Free of stress and time constraints
Free from monotonous tasks and conversation
Her mind wanders
It takes her through the woods she used to hike
The fort she disappeared to for hours on end
She ventures back to rollerblades on rough pavement
and bike rides, swift with the dropping terrain
She recalls sitting on the edge of a cliff
Looking out over clear blue-green water
Completely mesmerized, encompassed by life.
There aren't stop lights or sirens where she's going
There's no traffic or violence
There are only moments of awe
Peaceful realizations of true beauty
a renewed respect for the Earth...
...and the fact that is still spins.

Despite the anger and corruption
Even with the debt of the economy
and freak accidents breaking the hearts of loved ones
No matter how busy the streets
Or how harsh the life...

There are still birds who fly freely between the trees
and cubs who find safety beneath their mother
and waves that crash over rocks, slowly changing their shapes
There is still beauty in this world, big blue skies and small streams
Silence that echoes for miles
Pebbles that sink to the bottom of lakes
and snow that builds and builds and builds

On a normal day, she fights rush hour traffic
and forgets to do laundry
She struggles to pay her bills
and drinks too much coffee just to stay awake
On most days, she's just going through the motions
But on those rare, momentous days
When she takes off to be absolutely nowhere
Surrounded by nothing of importance
Not talking to a single soul
Those are the days she feels alive
Those moments...
...when she feels so much smaller than the world
...where the eagle owns the sky
...when she has to dip below branches and step over roots
Those moments are living
Those are the moments she reaches for
That's where her soul would fly if it could

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