Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Twenty Years From Now...

Every single day is composed of a series of decisions. Some are bigger than others and some are pure routine. Sometimes you change your mind, other times you realize you chose wrong and sometimes you are dead right. If every decision I ever made could be categorized into 'Good Decision,' 'Bad Decision,' or 'Try it again tomorrow,' I'd say I would eventually get it all right. And I bet I'd be coasting down every street making each and every green light in my path.

But its just not that simple...

There are unknowns and surprises. Tomorrow is always a mystery and sometimes you don't get immediate feedback on your choices. It might take days or months or years before you realize the outcome of one tiny decision. So how exactly do you know the right path? How do you know which way is up, when you're spinning and blind? How do you come out on top? What are the proper steps? Where is the guidebook or the instruction manual? Why has this not been perfected, yet? How is it...that generation after generation...people are still making bad choices? How is it that people are still screwing up their lives? Whose footsteps am I to follow? Or am I just one more person fighting the fight, destined to get it wrong in the end, anyway?

I don't believe there to be any single person who possesses the answers to these questions. Nor do I believe in the perfect human. Life is meant to be the moment. There will always be curve balls and you can always ponder the "what-if's." You can look backwards or try to compare your life with another and end up deciding you have regrets. You can focus on the technicalities of every day life and drive yourself to insanity in weighing the innumerable options.

Or you can jump.

The decisions will never stop coming and opportunities, good or bad, will never stop presenting themselves. If you get this one wrong, use what you learned to help you the next time around. Tomorrow is another day, but if you spend too much time staring at twenty years from will pass you by. And today only comes once. You only have today for a day. While you have it, use it and enjoy it, spend it with those who matter most and share it with those in need. Today is precious and it passes quickly, so don't waste a drop.

"Live the life you love."


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